Here is information about the Vietnamese embassy in Venezuela updated in 2025. If you are looking for the address, contact phone number or website of the Vietnamese embassy in Venezuela, please read the information below.
We are travel agency in Venezuela and we have group of 15 Venezuelan tourists want to visit Vietnam next month. Please tell me if Venezuelans need visa for Vietnam? How to apply visa from Venezuela? Visa is required for citizens of Venezuela to visit Vietnam. Venezuela national may have 2 options to get a visa... read more »
Please see below information of Vietnam embassy in Venezuela : Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 9NA Transversal, Entre 6TA Y 7MA Avenidas, Quinta Las Mercedes, Altamira, Chacao 1060-025 D.F, Caracas, Venezuela Tel: +58 212 6357402 Fax: +58 212 2647324 E-Mail:, Web: VENEZUELA Complete Name:... read more »
Vietnam Visa Exemption 1/ This is list of countries that Vietnam Immigration allows their citizens to enter Vietnam without visa with detailed length of stay. Unfortunately, Venezuela isn’t in this list. Therefore, you still need visa to enter Vietnam. No Citizens of Days of Free Visa 1 United Kingdom 15 days (Valid until 30 June 2021)... read more »