Currently, in order to support Vietnamese citizens in a particular country or citizens of that country and citizens of other countries who live and work in that country, the Vietnamese government tries to establish a diplomatic system and embassy in that country. However, not all countries have Vietnamese embassies. Is there a Vietnamese embassy in... read more »

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Philippines ? Please see below for information of Embassy of Vietnam in the Philippines Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Philippines Address: 670 Pablo Ocampo St., Malate, Manila, Philippines General line: +63-2-5216843 loc. 101 Fax: +63-2-5260472 E-mail: vnembph@yahoo.com Website: https://vnembassy-manila.mofa.gov.vn/ PHILIPPINES Complete Name: Republic... read more »

Vietnam Visa Exemption for Philippine Citizens of Philippines won’t need a visa if staying for less than 21 days. You have to apply for a visa if intending to stay for more than 15 days. Besides, there are two cases that you can travel to Vietnam without Visa APEC business travel card holders are exempt... read more »