Currently, in order to support Vietnamese citizens in a particular country or citizens of that country and citizens of other countries who live and work in that country, the Vietnamese government tries to establish a diplomatic system and embassy in that country. However, not all countries have Vietnamese embassies. Is there a Vietnamese embassy in... read more »
Do Papua New Guinean passport holders require visa for entering Vietnam ? Papua New Guinea citizens the same as most citizens in the world need visa to Vietnam. You can apply Vietnam visa with the Vietnam embassies or Vietnam Immigration Department. How to get Vietnam visa in Papua New Guinea? We wish to inform all... read more »
Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Papua New Guinea ? Currently, there is no Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate in Papua New Guinea. We are pleased to inform that we will post their information on our website as soon as we have any trustful information about them. PAPUA NEW GUINEA Complete Name:... read more »